Hosted Courts: Models are those courts using the Standard TrueFiling and Standard OnBase review queue. Warren District, Washtenaw Circuit, and Ottawa Probate
Hosted Courts: Pilots are those courts using the Standard OnBase review queue but have their own version of TrueFiling (different filing types). Oakland Circuit and Wayne Circuit
On-Premise: Pilots are those courts using both their own OnBase and their own version of TrueFiling. Macomb Circuit, Ottawa Circuit and Grand Traverse/Leelanau/Antrim Circuit
Integrated Courts are those courts with full or partial CMS integration. Wayne (full), Washtenaw (full), and Ottawa Probate (partial)
Release to UAT: 9/27/2022 Release to PROD Date: 10/6/2022
View Connection Request Button – Hosted and Non-Hosted Courts
Clicking on the View Connection Requests button will direct the user to the Settings page with the Connections section already expanded.
Rejected Service Notification Case Title Display – Hosted Courts
ImageSoft has corrected an issue where courts that have multiple cases with the same case number, but different tracking IDs, would sometimes display the wrong case title.
Duplicate eService for Case Counsel – Hosted Courts with Party Management
Regardless of the number of parties counsel might represent on a particular case, they will be served once. This update also ensures counsel is displayed once in the Servicing Recipients section of the Bundle Assembly and Proof of Service pages.
Reordering of Site Settings – Hosted and Non-Hosted Courts
To optimize the user experience, settings are now ordered alphabetically.
Deleted Filing Types No Longer Displayed – Hosted and Non-Hosted Courts
Deleted Filing Types are no longer displayed on the Bundle Assembly Page.
DateTime Value Conversion – Hosted and Non-Hosted Courts
The EFSP has been updated to correct the error caused during the conversion of the DateTime value when reconciling the case data from the CRP.
User Interface Update to Payment Accounts Setting Page – Hosted and Non-Hosted Courts
The Add Account and View Payment Information buttons have been moved to the top right corner of the Payment Accounts section of the Settings page. This change was made to improve the user experience as users no longer have to scroll through all existing payment accounts to access the buttons. Selecting a state and court are required to create a new Payment Account, which are now displayed alphabetically in the drop-down.