MiFILE Updates and Information

MiFILE Release 2.1.43

Written by Brandon Cleveland | May 30, 2024 7:19:24 PM
Release to PROD Date: 6/6/2024
Removal of Deprecated Keyword Values  - All MiFILE Courts
OnBase users will no longer see the 'TrueFiling Bundle ID' keyword. 
'$' Added to Case Initiation eForm Claim Amount  - All MiFILE Courts
When entering a claim amount on a case initiation eform, '$' has been added before the field to dissuade users from entering that symbol in the field itself. The language of the existing validation error has also been updated to read "Please enter number and decimal values only."
Circuit & Probate Catalog Updates  - JIS Circuit and Probate Courts
The following document catalog entries have been modified to change their corresponding CMS code mapping:
Amended Complaint/Petition -  AMP
Affirmative Defenses - AFDF
Exhibit Log - EXL
Garnishee Disclosure - GAD
Garnishee Release - GRL
Jury Instructions - PJI
Sworn Closing Statement, Summary Proceedings, Small Estate - CIS
Memorandum of Conference to Correct Deficiency - MEM
Notification of Noncompliance & Request for Modified Order - NCAD

Probate Catalog Update - JIS Probate Courts 
The following document catalog entries have been updated:
Continuing Order for Mental Health Treatment - ORD
Second Order for Mental Health Treatment - ORD
Dismissal for No Progress - ORD
Dismissal for Nonservice - ORD
Order for Staying Proceedings - ORD
Probate Case Type Addition -  JIS Probate Courts
The following case types are available for Probate Courts on the Statewide Solution: 
General Civil - GZ
Mental Health - MI
Judicial Admission - JA
Delayed Registration of Foreign Birth - BR
TrueFiling Party Type Mapped to CMS Party Type -  MiFILE TCS Courts
To successfully integrate with the JIS CMS,  the petitioner is converted to PLAINTIFF and the respondent is converted to DEFENDANT in TCS for TrueFiling Case Types ID, PH, PP, PJ, AL, and AH. 
Removal of TrueFiling Filing Type from Probate Courts -  MiFILE PCS Courts
"Affidavit and Notice of Entry of Foreign Judgment" is not applicable to Probate Courts, and is being removed. 
Case Type Category Updates -  MiFILE PCS Courts
The following case types have been updated: 
BR case type has been updated to the Delayed Registration of Foreign Birth category
TR case type has been updated to the Trust category
CZ case type has been updated to the Civil category
Case Processing Destination Feature - All MiFILE Courts
Per court feedback, MiFILE DMS OnBase users can now select a Case Processing destination for documents when using the "Code and Accept" ad hoc task. If a document has been configured to have a default case processing destination, that value will prepopulate for the user (but can be modified if needed).
Probate Document Catalog Changes - MiFILE PCS Courts
The following new items have been added to the standard Probate Document Catalog:  
Notice of Limited Scope
Notice of Withdrawal from Limited Scope Appearance
Objection to Withdrawal from Limited Scope Appearance 
We have modified the description of the following:
Report on Examination and Clinical Certificate (previously "Clinical Certificate")
Please note, that most of the “bugs” and “enhancements” listed in this document do not require additional testing. This is intended for informational purposes only.  All MiFILE Courts are considered Statewide Solution Courts except for the following:
Hosted Courts: Pilots   are those courts using the Standard OnBase review queue but have their own version of TrueFiling (different filing types). Current courts are Oakland Circuit and Wayne Circuit
On-Premise: Pilots   are those courts using both their own OnBase and their own version of TrueFiling. Current courts are Macomb Circuit, Ottawa Circuit and Grand Traverse/Leelanau/Antrim Circuit
Integrated Courts   are those courts with full or partial CMS integration. Current courts are Wayne (full), Washtenaw (full), and Ottawa Probate   (partial)