MiFILE Updates and Information

MiFILE Release 2.1.30

Written by Brandon Cleveland | Oct 26, 2023 3:32:26 PM
Release to PROD Date: 11/02/2023
Multiple Rejection Reasons - All Hosted Courts 
Clerks are now able to select multiple rejection reasons. We also have increased the rejection comment field character limit from 244 to 500 to accommodate "Other" reasons. 
Reject Case Ad Hoc Task Supports Multiple Rejection Reasons - JIS Hosted Courts 
To support the Multiple Rejection Reasons release, the Reject Case button now supports multiple rejection reasons. 
Rejection Reason Metrics - All Hosted Courts 
Thanks to court feedback, we have added a Rejection Reason History for courts outlining Rejection Dates, Reason and Comments. 
Print Queue in Case Processing Lifecycle - MiFILE DMS Courts
OnBase users now whave access to the Print queue in the Case Processing lifecycle. Keyword columns added to this inbox are "Number of Defendants" and "Print Status." The intended workflow is for the clerk to create a COPY of the Request for Second Mailing and record, and route it to the Print Queue. The clerk will then use the Print Task to print all targeted items and this task will auto-stamp and auto-code the COPY as "Record of Second Mailing. 
Case Number Correction Tool for Court Administrators - JIS Hosted Courts
The court's local OnBase Administrator now has the ability to correct mistyped case numbers in the New Case Number field in the Set New Case Number dialog box. 
New Document Catalog Items - JIS District Courts

We have added the following items to the Document Catalog: 

  • DC- MAIL - Request for Second Mailing and Record (Landlord-Tenant)
  • DC - Miscellaneous - Advice of Rights and Information (Landlord-Tenant)
  • DC - Miscellaneous Local Rental and Housing Information
  • DC-Mail - Record of Second Mailing (Landlord-Tenant)
Record and Remove Ad Hoc Task - MiFILE DMS Courts

OnBase users, after printing an item from the new print queue, can now: 

  • Burn in Auto-Stamp of the Clerk Signature, and Clerk Name to the COPY of the Request for Second Mailing and Record.(see image below and attachment)
  • CODE the Copy as "DC-MAIL: Record of Second Mailing (Landlord-Tenant), CMS Code: M2M ", Legal File.
  • Send Event Code to CMS - M2M
  • Remove the item from the Print Queue Inbox.  

Please note, that most of the “bugs” and “enhancements” listed in this document do not require additional testing. This is intended for informational purposes only.  All MiFILE Courts are considered Statewide Solution Courts except for the following:

Hosted Courts: Pilots   are those courts using the Standard OnBase review queue but have their own version of TrueFiling (different filing types). Current courts are Oakland Circuit and Wayne Circuit
On-Premise: Pilots   are those courts using both their own OnBase and their own version of TrueFiling. Current courts are Macomb Circuit, Ottawa Circuit and Grand Traverse/Leelanau/Antrim Circuit
Integrated Courts   are those courts with full or partial CMS integration. Current courts are Wayne (full), Washtenaw (full), and Ottawa Probate   (partial)